Saturday, 17 November 2012

I think it's fixed now!

I've gone Captcha free!

I got a message this morning telling me I am a no reply blogger.... /*shame*, I apologize I thought I had that fixed. 
It is fixed now (or is it again?)

So I figured I would check to see if I had captcha while I was at it, and lo' and behold I couldn't find anything that said so BUT I know with blogger that doesn't mean much. 
I googled it, like changing your no reply settings you have to revert to the original blogger profile, excavate through the choices like your an archaeologist and hope you got it finally. I even created a dummy profile so I could personally verify that it's gone. I was seriously tempted to switch blogging sites since dealing with this was such a pain in the rear except my fear is that the others will be much worse to deal with!

I really feel that getting rid of captcha was a great thing, I love getting comments, it's like getting a letter in the mail from a good friend and I know that most people don't want to deal with the annoyance of trying to figure out what the heck the squidgy letters look like. So please..... Feel free to comment now :D

Alright I am out!
Passionately banging my head against the wall...


  1. I will check if you are a no reply blogger. Will you check if I am? I have reset my settings twice. At first it is fixed, and then, it's not! It has something to do with Google+. Quite annoying!

  2. Leave me a comment on my blog and I will see if I can reply back:)

    1. Will do, although I don't think I've ever gotten the no reply message from your blog. ( I am still not 100% sure how that works :D)

  3. Hi Christina, I am popping over from my blog. I have listed you on my post today for Blogathon Canada. Hope you will drop by for a visit.

  4. Stopping by from the Blogathon Canada, Cathy at Blueberry Patch sent me over. I do not have a blog but I know lots of folks seem to be pulling their hair out over problems you are having. I'm a new follower and looking forward to returning and having a look around.

  5. Eep! I need to go check to see if I'm a no reply blogger now! And you're right comments are like happy little letter aren't they, without the possible bill sitting beside it!


Due to increased spam activity, I've gone to moderating comments and if it continues I will have to enable captcha sorry everyone.