Sunday 7 October 2012

Nothing but Pickin'

Or as we say 'round here Pickin' and Grinnin'....

This is no more!
Pickin' and Grinnin' actually refers to guitar playing (coined by one of our more... eccentric, guitar playing friends) but I think it's a suitable phrase for what I was doing the last few days.. picking stitches and I finally pulled the last thread a half hour ago and I was so relieved I did nothing but grin!

I won't have any fresh pictures for a couple of days since I've been quilting like I was possessed this week. I wanted to get all these stitches ripped so I can work on a backing idea I had. Nothing like found fabric to get the ole' gears churning into some sort of creative frenzy!
 I have all my Christmas project fabrics in and they are ready to be cut up, I can't wait to show off one of my particular favorite finds for less than $5, SHHH! It's a secret! (Pictures later!) 
I also will be working on a quilt for my Dad, I get the feeling that he really, really likes my work and wants a quilt... when he goes out of his way to mention something, you really have to pay attention because if it's for him one isn't always sure exactly what he wants... it's like (and I quote..) "Are you making one for me?! You know I am going to kick the bucket soon". He's 62 and absolutely adamant that he will kick the bucket before he sees a quilt from me lol.  I love my Dad, he's such a character! 
No I haven't forgot my Mom, I doubt I will get her's done for Christmas since I need to find about 2-3 yards of co-ordinating fabric for the bits that I have and I doubt I will have the time unless I managed to get to a fabric store while we are in Edmonton in November. I am making Giant Granny Panties for my Mom ( pardon me while I die laughing ).  I love the look of the pattern and the different colors you can use, not to mention the name sends me into gales of laughter every time I read it. It's a long story but giant granny panties are a long standing joke between me and my Mom ever since I produced my first grandchild for her :D I do think that her quilt will have to be a Mother's Day tribute.

The building blocks quilt is nearly finished and has been coined "Big BlueRed" by the recipient (My 6 year old) who is absolutely demanding it be placed on her bed before her big sister is allowed to put hers on her bed again.  Hah!
I don't think I could have had a better compliment than that, she wasn't really interested in the quilt until I started quilting different designs into it. So far I have covered: Paisley
Heart Paisley
Railroad Tracks
Daisy Chain
Poseidon's Eye
River Path
Electric Storm
Spiky Fern
Sea Oats (My own random version)
Cucumber Vine
Flowing Lines
Random boxy pattern, just for fun
I am still going to do a couple more as well, I've set up each of these in a 4 square section and I've surrounded each section with the wave stipple, makes for a very fun and interesting quilt. She's already gotten the whole city/roadway layout and has made plans to build a city on her quilt and now she has all sorts of different areas she can determine as parks or schools or whatever else she would like to do. Hopefully I will have the quilting done soon and bound before Tuesday so I can start my new projects at the guild and make use of the large tables!

Speaking of tables, Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadian bloggers, Lord knows we've been blessed and I have a huge list of things to be thankful for ( I will spare my readers lol) and I hope all of you feel the same, God Bless.

(Funny Story... I forgot to buy a turkey and a ham.. so we will be dining on a chicken! LOL)


  1. Both of your quilts are beautiful and so is your quilting. Great job! The yellow background on the top quilt makes it look so happy.

    1. Thank you Deb! I really get inspired by vintage or vintage looking fabric and the yellow one was designed specifically around the white fabric squares and the 1930's reproduction charm squares, of course my original idea looks nothing like the finished piece :D

  2. My Dad doesn't talk about kicking the bucket. But he does say, " I'm getting old, I hurt all over" after I tell him, "Dad, you're turning into a grouchy old man!" haha. But I love him, he's a great Dad! I'm sure you will make the perfect quilt for him. I saw a boxer pattern for a quilt that was to cute! Wonder what the granny panties one looks like. I love your quilts you have got going!

    1. Hah! There is nothing like grouchy and soft as pudding Dad's! Here's the link if you want to have a look:


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